quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

A Festa!

The Party!

The theme of Giovanni’s birthday party was the “Spotted Chicken,” a Brazilian cartoon character, which was chosen by his sister and his cousins Isabela and Marco Túlio Jr. It was great to be able to celebrate with Uncle Zeke, Aunt Kate, and cousins Luke and Isaiah, who came from the States, and with Aunt Sofia who came from Salvador, as well as our friends from the TCU, the meditation group, and the people who take care of him on a daily basis, with his grandmothers, all his “adoptive” aunts and uncles, the kids running around . . . Thank you very much for your affection and also for the good wishes of those who were not able to make it.

O tema da festa de aniversário do Giovanni foi da “Galinha Pitadinha”, escolhido por sua irmã e por seus primos Isabela e Marco Túlio Jr. Foi muito bom poder comemorar com o Tio Zeke, com a Tia Kate, Luke e Isaiah que vieram dos EUA, com a Tia Sofia que veio de Salvador, com os nossos amigos do TCU, do grupo de meditação, com o pessoal que cuida dele diariamente, com as Vovós, os “Titios” e as “Titias”, a criançada.... Muito obrigada pelo carinho e também pela lembrança de todos que não puderam estar aqui conosco.  

4 comentários:

  1. Foi bom demais celebrar com vocês 1 ano de vida do Giovanni!

  2. Happy First Birthday Giovanni! Sorry I did not wish you well before now- life has been a bit crazy here. I am so glad to hear you got to celebrate your amazing life! I really admire how you all take life one day at a time and appreciate so much. I hope your second year of life is more calm and you get to spend more time at home.

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Hi Giovani
    Hi My Name is Jenna U are brave courageous, strong and determined fighter.

    Tis a lesson you should heed,
    Try, try again;
    If at first you don't succeed,
    Try, try again;
    Then your courage should appear,
    For, if you will persevere,
    You will conquer, never fear;
    Try, try again
    who invented fire? some bright spark
    I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and 14 other medical conditions.

  4. Ola, meu nome é Carolina e meu filho de 2 anos tambem tem 1p36. Moramos em São Paulo e gostaria de trocar informações. Deixo meu email para contato casilveira10@yahoo.com.br.
