segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

7 meses de grandes aprendizados

(7 months of profound learning)

(I would like to share with you a little about how Giovanni's birth has changed my life. It has been 7 months of constant learning and numerous challenges to be overcome, as Victor has recounted.

I have had to learn many things at once.
  • I have learned that there is a force that drives us toward life.
  • I have learned to take a different view of the people around me.
  • I have learned to deal with the whirlwind of my emotions.
  • I have learned that a small victory in Giovanni's life is golden and brings much joy.
  • I have learned that every day is different and unique.
  • I have learned that there can be joy amidst suffering.)

Gostaria de compartilhar um pouco com vocês como o nascimento do Giovanni transformou a minha vida. Foram 7 meses de constante aprendizado e vários desafios a serem superados, como foi contado pelo Victor.

Tive que aprender várias coisas ao mesmo tempo.
  • Aprender que existe uma força que nos impulsiona em direção à vida;
  • Aprender a mudar o meu olhar em relação às pessoas a minha volta;
  • Aprender a lidar com o turbilhão das minhas emoções;
  • Aprender que uma pequena vitória do Giovanni vale ouro e traz muita alegria;
  • Aprender que um dia nunca será igual ao outro;
  • Aprender que pode "sim" haver alegria em meio ao sofrimento.

- Ana Cláudia

7 comentários:

  1. Hi I am Taylor's mom, Jenny. I just came acoss your blog spot from Whitney's. Hope it is okay I linked your blog on Taylor's page. I just read your story and am truly touched. What a journey your family has been through in just a short time. My daughter has never had seizures, I can only imagine how hard that must be on top of all the other things your dealing with, with this syndrome. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I feel very blessed with my daughter, she has not had so many additional medical trials. Though we all struggle in different ways with this syndrome. Hang in there and cherish all the small moments. Thanks for sharing. I'm so happy that you got the home health in your home. That has to be a blessing to your family to have the extra comfort of a nurse there and the help.

  2. Oh I forgot to mention that he is so Beautiful! Loved to read the things you have learned. Isn't it amazing how things in life change, your perspective, once you realize there is so many little things that you never realized in life before.

  3. Nossa, Ana Cláudia, agradeço por compartilhar tantas coisas lindas! Que Deus continue iluminando seu caminho e lhe dando força e alegria. Você é uma mulher admirável!!!!!!

  4. Giovanni is beautiful! Congratulations on his birth. Sounds like life has been very busy and sometimes very difficult. Please feel free to link to Zoe's blog. We all try to link with eachother so we can keep up with eachother. I do not have time for facebook but I do keep up with the blogs. If it is ok with you, I will link to Giovanni's blog next time I am updating links.
    Thanks for checking out our blog and I will be sure to check back in on yours.
    Welcome to the 1p36 family.
    -Genevieve (Zoe's mom)

  5. Nice post, Ana Claudia. And nice to see a 1p36 family forming here. I am Giovanni's aunt, and a few days ago I got to see him for the first time since his diagnosis. It was nice to hold him, stroke his curly hair, see how chubby he was, and hear with what vitality he cried when he did. It was difficult knowing that he had been in the ICU for almost two months, to see him connected to tubes, and to see him have a small seizure.

  6. Thank you Jenny and Genevieve! I'm really glad to be in touch, and please do feel free to link to Giovanni's blog - I've done the same.

    Your daughters' stories give me hope that, despite the constant struggles, we'll have good times with Giovanni as well, and that he'll be able to enjoy life. Right now things seem bleak, but they have to turn around at some point ...

    - Victor

  7. Ana Claudia, que belas as suas palavras, seus aprendizados. Obrigada por compartilhá-las. Com muito carinho.
